Archive for Oktober 2010

Narrative Text Story Of Hercules

Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010
Posted by Hurairoh Rhomodon
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long time ago born baby named hercules
On the Mt. Olympus the little Hercules is born, he is the Zeus and Hera's son. The baby is very strong and he is surrounded by presents among his little winged horses: Pegasus. All gods love Hercules, all gods but not. Hades. He is the brother of Zeus and the god of Underworld. He hates Zeus because it's only thanks to him That now he must spend his immortal life surrounded by souls. Hades wants to reign on the Olympus so he asks help to the three Fates. They know the past, the present and the future.
The Fates tell to Hades that in eighteen years the planets will line up: at that time Hades will can to free the Titans to defeat Zeus... but if Hercules'll fight... Hades will lose his battle.
So Hades prepares a potion to make deathly the little Hercules. He orders to his slaves Pain and Panic to abduct the little god, to make drink him all potion and to kill him.
For lucky he has not drink all potion: Herc is mortal but he always is very strong and now he live on the Earth with his adoptive parents, Anphitryon and Alcmene.
The strength of Hercules was a problem, he seemed to break everything he touched. Shunned because of the destruction he caused, Herc grew up sad and lonely. So Alcmene and Anphityon explained to Herc that he was indeed different from everyone. They showed to Hercules the symbol of the gods, the medaillon that was around his neck when they found him.

Eager to solve the mystery of his birth, Herc traveled to the Temple of Zeus, for answers. He was shocked when the statue of Zeus come alive and the god revealed that he was Herc's father, and the goddess Hera was his mother.
Zeus explained that Herc had been kidnapped and changed into a mortal while still baby. Then he told Herc why he could not come home.
"Only gods can live on. Olympus" he said "but if you can prove yourself a true hero on Eath, your godhood will be restored... first, you must seek Philoctetes, the trainer of heroes".
Zeus give to his son Pegasus, so Herc flew off and soon found Philoctetes, the satyr.
"I need your help" Herc told Phil "I want to become a hero".
"Sorry, kid" said Phil. "I'm retired. But a lightning from Zeus changed Phil's mind.
Hero-training was so difficult that Herc often thought of quitting. In the end, though, he refused to give up and keept on working to reach his goal.
Finally told Herc that he was ready for his first real test in the big, though city of Thebes.
On their way to Thebes, Phil and Herc saw a beautiful young woman named Megara, who was being chased by a centaur.
"A damsel in distress!" Phil shouted. Herc rushed to Megara's rescue.
After Hercules had defeated the centaur, Megara introduced herself. Herc was so enchanted by Meg's beauty.
On her way home, Meg met Hades and his helpers, Pain and Panic. Meg mentioned that she had just met someone named Hercules. Hades was furious when he heard the name. Hercules was the only one who could stop the evil Hades from taking over Olympus.
Hades began trying destroy Herc once again. He used Meg to trick Hercules into unleashing a frightening monster called Hydra. But Herc defeated the Hydra and every other monster that Hades sent. And with each victory, Herc become more and more famous.
Still Hercules remained mortal, unable to live on Olympus. Herc asked Zeus why this was so.
"I'm afraid being famous isn't the same as being a true hero" Zeus answered "You must look inside your heart".
Hades finally realized that no one was strong enough to defeat Hercules. Still, Hedes thought, he must have one weakness...

Suddenly Hades knew the answer: Meg was Herc's weakness. Hercules would do anything to protect her from harm. Hades thought about this and came up with and idea. He would make Meg his prisoner!
Herc was so upset when he saw Meg in chains that he agreed to a strange bargain. He would surrender his strength for a day if Hades would set Meg free.
Hades was ready to put his plan into action. When Herc out of the way, the evil god would soon rule the world.
First Hades freed the Titans from the pit where they had been imprisoned by Zeus. Then Hades ordered the Cyclops, a one-eyed monster, to get rid of Hercules.
Without his mighty strength, Herc was no match for the Cyclops. But with Phil's encouragement, Hercules somehow managed to defeat the monster. Meg, though, was injured while trying to save Herc from a falling column. And true to Hades' promise, as soon as Meg was hurt, Hercules' strength come back.
Although Herc didn't want to leave the gravely injured Meg, she convinced him to go help his father stop Hades.
Hercules left Meg in Phil's care and hurried to Olympus. He found the gods in chains and Zeus trapped in a mountain of frozen lava. With his bare hands, Herc ripped open the lava and freed his father. Together they defeat the Titans.

Hades knew his grand plan to take over Olympus was now ruined. As he headed back to the Underworld, he took pleasure in telling Hercules that Meg was dying.
Hercules hurried back Meg, but her spirit had already left her body. Hercules rushed down to the Underworld, where he saw Meg's spirit floating in a pit of swirling souls.
"Take me in Meg's place" Herc told Hades.
That selfless act - Herc's willingness to give his life for Meg - made him a true hero at last.
On his return to Olympus, Hercules was given a hero's welcome. But he finally knew where he truly belongs on Earth with Meg, where together they would live happily ever after.
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