Posted by : Hurairoh Rhomodon Jumat, 19 November 2010

Procedure is a text type for helping us do a task or make something.It means a procedural text is designed to describe how something is achieved through g sequence of action or steps ,it can be a set of intructions or direction .When writing procedures you should :use present tense e. G spray, include technical terms when you need to e. G friable, use words than tell the reader how, when and where to perform the task e. G fill, firmly.

Example :
1.Making an Omelet
1. 2 eggs
2. 25g of oil
3. 250 milk
4. Frying pan
5. Method
step by step
Take the pan and put in the oil. Heat the oil until it is hot. Break the eggs into a bowl and add the milk. Beat the eggs and milk together
2.How To Insert SIM Card
First off all,switch off the phone
Second,pull the battery lock on the back the phone, and hold it in thus position.
Next,slide the cover,and lift the battery.
Then,insert the SIM card into its slot.but, remember,do it carefully. Um,,one more thing,don t forget to make sure the golden connectors on the card face into the phone and ah,the opposite end of the battery until it snaps into place.
Now,slide the cover back onto the mobile phone
Finally,switch on your phone and you ll see the signal of your SIM card on the phone screen and, do you know what that means? Good, it means you can start using your phone.
3.How To Operate Computer
First, plug the cable into the
socket and turn on your computer.
Second, wait a moment
while your computer is starting Scaner data.
Next, enter a
keyword if you use it.
Then, the computer will scan in computer about virusess.
After that, choose
programs as needed, for example
you want to type, the program to choose is Microsoft Word.
Finally, save your work
at the computer.

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